The Twelve-fold Function Energy

Photo credits: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

If you are battling a sore throat harmonizing the Small Intestine Function Energy is a good way to go. Or, if your back is only so-so today, the sequence for the Bladder Function Energy will probably be among your top choices. But what if you were to use the aspects of the Twelve-fold Function Energy to help yourself with mental or emotional processes. Here is how to go about it.

I harmonizeWhen I wishLeft Side Right Side
12.1 Lungto express myself
to assert myself
to have the drive to do
Left Hand on Left SEL 14
Right Hand on Left SEL 22
Right Hand on Right SEL 14
Left Hand on Right SEL 22
12.2 Large Intestineto hold onto the valuable
to let go of the valueless
to get in touch with nature
Right Hand on Right SEL 11
Left thumb over left index fingernail
Left Hand on Left SEL 11
Right thumb over right index fingernail
12.3 Stomachto process stimuli
to digest information,
to be able to learn something
Right Hand on Left SEL 21
Left Hand on Left SEL 22
Left Hand on Right SEL 21
Right Hand on Right SEL 22
12.4 Spleento nurture myself
to give myself a boost
to lift my spirits
Left Hand on Left SEL 5
Right Hand on coccyx
Right Hand on Right SEL 5
Left Hand on coccyx
12.5 Heartto find joy in creativity
to express myself creatively
to to be a star
Left Hand on Left SEL 11
Right Hand on Left SEL 17
Right Hand on Right SEL 11
Left Hand on Right SEL 17
12.6 Small Intestineto master or apply skills
to put things in order
to gain discrimination
Left Hand on Left SEL 11
Right Hand on Right SEL 13
Right Hand on Right SEL 11
Left Hand on Left SEL 13
12.7 Bladderto make peace
to see beauty
to find harmony
Right Hand on Left SEL 12
Left Hand on coccyx
Left Hand on Right SEL 12
Right Hand on coccyx
12.8 Kidneyto search for the truth
to be completely honest
to face my fears
Right Hand holds left little toe
Left Hand on pubic bone
Left Hand holds right little toe
Right Hand on pubic bone
12.9 Diaphragmto go beyond my limits
to acquire new perception
to be optimistic
Right Hand on Left SEL 14
Left Hand on Right SEL 19
Left Hand on Right SEL 14
Right Hand on Left SEL 19
12.10 Umbilicusto know my limitations
to execute a plan
to be realistic
Left Hand on Right SEL 20
Right Hand on Left SEL 19
Right Hand on Left SEL 20
Left Hand on Right SEL 19
12.11 Gall Bladderto invent new ways
to be open to new ways
to find an inspiration
Left Hand on Left SEL 12
Right Hand on Right SEL 20
Right Hand on Right SEL 12
Left Hand on Left SEL 20
12.12 Liverto heal myself
to be in peace
to connect with my higher self
Left Hand on Left SEL 4
Right Hand on Right SEL 22
Right Hand on Right SEL 4
Left Hand on Left SEL 22

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