Third Method is Awesome!

When you don’t know what to do, give yourself the Third Method!

It is not an accident that the Third Method is called the Emergency Room in JSJ. And according to Jiro Murai, the application of each Method Correction may be sufficient to reverse a lifetime of disharmony.

I woke up with a stiff neck. The next day, the stiffness expanded down my back to reach the side of my leg. Yes, I know, Large Intestine FE is good for sudden onsets of stiffness in the neck, while chronic conditions are helped better than Liver FE. Yet, by the end of the week, I still hadn’t gotten much relief, despite some light Yoga and JSJ self-help.

Then, I lay on the floor and did the sequence for Third Method Self-help. I combined it with a certain type of Yoga breathing called “box breathing.” Within 20 minutes, the discomfort level dropped from 8 to a 3 on my scale to 10.

I like to combine JSJ self-help with yoga practice. But this is the first time when I used specifically the box-breathing technique. Thank you, Lynn Pridmore, for inspiring me to do so. Your FB post came out synchronistically exactly when I needed it!

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