It seems my moods are controlled by what I read, and needless to say, the news articles today are full of fears and anxiety. So, how do we deal with all the negativity that bombards us? Apart from shutting ourselves entirely off from the world, there is another, easier, way – we can keep the area of Safety Energy Lock 23 open.
Safety Energy Lock 23 resonates with courage and helps us own and assume control of our destiny. We are not reeds in the universal waters swashing back and forth. On the physical level, SEL 23 can prevent our fearful mental state from affecting the health and harmony of our body.
So, how do we open SEL 23 in Jin Shin Jyutsu? By far, the easiest way is to hold our index finger, which harmonizes the entire Fourth Depth. But what if we want to be a bit more sophisticated? Here are some of the variations that I usually like to do.

How to Open SEL 23
- SEL 23. Sitting or standing, I place my hands directly on the small of the back. It is relatively comfortable and immediately opens the area. I has helped me in the past to clear up caffeine-induced jitters.
- 23-25 on the same side. Lying down, on my side, I like to hug my body across and reach for the opposite side of my lower back. I place the right hand on the left SEL 23 (small of back) and then the left hand on the left SEL 25. I mirror the sequence for the right side. The combination of 23-25 creates a wonderful prayer: “Be Still and Know (25) That I Am in Control of My Destiny (23)”.
- 23-8 on opposite sides. If the above sequence is not comfortable, here is an alternative, no less magnificent. I place my right hand on the right SEL 23 and the left hand on the left SEL 8. I reverse the hands for the left side flow. And the prayer here? “I will not be afraid of miracles.”
- Little finger. I hold the little finger of either hand. The little finger is the finger facilitator for opening SEL 23 and a bunch of other SELs.
If you are unsure about the positions of the SEL mentioned in the sequence, here is a map.
For more articles, check out the Archives Page. I also have self-paced online classes on Udemy: In Movement with Jin Shin Jyutsu and The Interplay of Elements. You can always contact me with questions via email.
Thank you!
Thank you for this reminder to open my 23s and 25s! Peace, good health and happiness to all!
Thank you, Larry! Peace and courage – I guess, we need them both now.