To Nurture and Sustain Us

Apart from the obvious, what is the common thread between the British Prime Minister’s recent hospitalization, Germany’s relatively low rate of mortality among its sick citizens, and an elderly Brit who went home to die but his son found a way to help him recover?

The answer is: Care! Mr. Johnson went on record to thank the nurses at the hospital who stayed by his sickbed for 48 hours during the worst of his illness. Germany is one of the countries with the highest number of nurses per capita to care for the sick in their hospitals. And even though the 81-year man with an underlying lung condition had all the odds against him, his family care after him helped him survive and recover.

With Jin Shin Jyutsu, we can care and nurture ourselves even if we live alone. Here is a flow that helps us feel cared for and nurtured, boosts our moods and immunity, and brings sunshine to our lives.

Left Side Flow

  • Place the right hand on the coccyx and the left hand on the pubic bone
  • Move the left hand from the coccyx to the Right SEL 14
  • Move the right hand from the pubic bone to the Left SEL 13
  • End with the right hand on the Right SEL 22

Right Side Flow

  • Place the left hand on the coccyx and the right hand on the pubic bone
  • Move the right hand from the pubis to the Left SEL 14
  • Move the left hand from the coccyx to the Right SEL 13
  • End with the left hand on the Left SEL 22

This sequence has many names. It is the first sequence of Project No. III – General Daily Sequences in Mary Burmeister’s Self Help Books. [SH1, p. 39] It also appears as the Anterior Ascending Energy Sequence in the Touch of Healing [TH, p.135]. And if you have taken a 5-day Basic Seminar, you will recognize it as the harmonizing sequence for the “Individualized” Spleen Function Energy. [T2, p.17].

In addition to bringing sunshine and a sense of nurturing to ourselves, it also directly supports our “Individualized” Lung Function Energy and relieves pressure from our ever trying-too-much “Individualized” Heart Function Energy. [T2, p. 19]

A Prayer

Be still and know

That laughter is healing. 

I am nourished and provided. 

A return to Love is all I need

to be happy and content. 

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