The Twelve Body Function Energy

12-Body Function Energy at a Glance

OrderBeginsNameLeft Side HarmonizationRight Side Harmonizaton
14 amLungLeft Hand on Left SEL 14
Right Hand on Left SEL 22
Right Hand on Right SEL 14
Left Hand on Right SEL 22
26 amLarge IntestineRight Hand on Right SEL 11
Left thumb over left index fingernail
Left Hand on Left SEL 11
Right thumb over right index fingernail
38 amStomachRight Hand on Left SEL 21
Left Hand on Left SEL 22
Left Hand on Right SEL 21
Right Hand on Right SEL 22
410 amSpleenLeft Hand on Left SEL 5
Right Hand on coccyx
Right Hand on Right SEL 5
Left Hand on coccyx
512 pmHeartLeft Hand on Left SEL 11
Right Hand on Left SEL 17
Right Hand on Right SEL 11
Left Hand on Right SEL 17
62 pmSmall IntestineLeft Hand on Left SEL 11
Right Hand on Right SEL 13
Right Hand on Right SEL 11
Left Hand on Left SEL 13
74 pmBladderRight Hand on Left SEL 12
Left Hand on coccyx
Left Hand on Right SEL 12
Right Hand on coccyx
86 pmKidneyRight Hand holds left little toe
Left Hand on pubic bone
Left Hand holds right little toe
Right Hand on pubic bone
98 pmDiaphragmRight Hand on Left SEL 14
Left Hand on Right SEL 19
Left Hand on Right SEL 14
Right Hand on Left SEL 19
1010 pmUmbilicusLeft Hand on Right SEL 20
Right Hand on Left SEL 19
Right Hand on Left SEL 20
Left Hand on Right SEL 19
1112 amGall Bladder FELeft Hand on Left SEL 12
Right Hand on Right SEL 20
Right Hand on Right SEL 12
Left Hand on Left SEL 20
122 amLiverLeft Hand on Left SEL 4
Right Hand on Right SEL 22
Right Hand on Right SEL 4
Left Hand on Left SEL 22

Other 12-fold Divisions

The 12-fold division of the manifested body Function Energy directly corresponds to the 12-fold division of the Zodiac energies in  Western Astrology.  The procession of the 12-body Function Energy begins with Lung at peak at 4 am in the morning. It is followed every two hours by the Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, etc. Their order corresponds directly to the order of the 12-fold astrological energies of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.

The correspondence goes even further, since each of the four western elemental triplicities, fire, earth, air, and water, corresponds to one of the four groups of chest, finger, face, and toe flows.

12-Body Function Energy by element, origin, and common denominator

1st - 2nd D
5th - 4th D
6th - 3rd D
Chest Flows
04:00 AM
SEL 14
12:00 Noon
08:00 PM
SEL 14
SEL 15
Finger Flows
06:00 AM
Large Intestine/Taurus
Index Finger
02:00 PM
Small Intestine/Virgo
Little Finger
10:00 PM
Ring Finger
SEL 13
Mental and
Emotional Balance
Face Flows
08:00 AM
SEL 21
04:00 PM
SEL 20
12:00 Midnight
Gall Bladder/Aquarius
Lower eyelid
SEL 23
Toe Flows
10:00 AM
Big Toe
06:00 PM
Little Toe
02:00 AM
Big Toe
SEL 14
Bust LineHip LineWaist Line
Mediator Flow
SEL 13
SEL 15
Main Central
SEL 14
by function

Note.  The common denominator of the flows given in the furthermost right column  in the table relates to commonality in their function rather than their actual pathways. That distinction is not apparent for the finger flows,  since they all go through SEL 13. Yet, not all chest flows flow through the area of SEL 15. SEL 15 is chosen as their common denominator since it brings vitality to life. Similarly, SEL 23 brings mental and emotional balance, just as the Face flows.  SEL 14 Nourishes and Sustains just as the Toe flows, and SEL 13 is about Generation and Regeneration.