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Monthly Subscription

For people who plan to attend classes regularly, I offer monthly subscription. Benefits include:

  • After one-time setup cost, attend classes at reduced cost.
  • You can attend one 1.5-hr class of your choice per month.
  • Get access to class resources such as workbooks and recordings. 
  • Schedule, cancel, or reschedule class easily. 
  • Automatically cancel your subscription at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a subscriber?

Click on the button below to subscribe. You will receive a confirmation email with your subscriber code. Save that code. It is unique and allows you to register for one class a month of your choosing without added cost.

You will receive email reminders about your monthly renewal approximately a week from the renewal date. At that time you can decide whether to renew or unsubscribe, both of which can be done automatically. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

How do I attend classes as a subscriber?

When you become a subscriber, you pay once a month and receive a code that allows you to attend a class of your choice. But you still have to choose which class to attend and reserve a spot by registering for it. 

Save your subscriber code for future reference and use it upon class registration to avoid being charged twice. If you are unsure about what your code is, email me.

What if I miss a class?

You have two options. One is to take another class for that month – after all, you can take any class you wish. Or two, you can roll over the missed class, and you can take two classes the following month. If you miss more than three months, I would recommend that you unsubscribe as you cannot roll more than three classes into future months.

I want to be come a subscriber.