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Updated List of Classes

I’ve updated the list of classes for May 2023. In addition to the monthly Cycles Lab and Astrology for Self-Awareness, you find a one-time offer for JSJ Self-Help. 

See List of Classes

Welcome to Travelers Guide to Healing!

The world has changed and re-arranged itself. Have you noticed it? 

It is time for us all to spread our wings and stop playing small. Have you been thinking of starting a project? Or wishing to make a difference in the world? Looking for a new job? Expanding your enterprise? Or, perhaps, you are finally ready to get serious about your spiritual work. There is no better time than now! I know how it feels because that is what I have been experiencing myself. And I know things work out better and easier when you have someone else to help you and watch your back. 

I started this website to share the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, but it has now evolved into a bigger picture. I have added resources on Astrology to help us understand ourselves, expand our awareness, and time our activities to minimize the effort and struggle in life. I share my new Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help insights in the Know Myself blog here, while the spiritual and philosophical essays go on the Effortless Reality blog. For those who wish to keep up with the astrological cycles, I write a weekly newsletter, Cycles. Don’t forget to sign up for it! In addition to getting reminders about the astrological influences, you get a downloadable pdf workbook to start tracking the cycles and recommendations for Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help flows. 

Free Resources

I have compiled tons of information about the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu and Astrology. The blog contains articles on new insights as I play with Jin Shin Jyutsu and discover new things. If you wish to apply astrology to your life or receive weekly recommendations for Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help, subscribe to our newsletter, Cycles. 

Jin Shin Jyutsu Astrological Cycles Blog Articles Subscribe to Newsletter

Going Beyond

Curious to look at your natal chart? To learn what that means for you? Understanding the astrological cycles and timing your activities around them is a great way to weave your life story with less struggle and more personal satisfaction. A great starting point is the bundle Introduction to the Natal Chart, in which you get a professionally created copy of your astrological chart, a pdf workbook explaining the symbols, and a computer-generated report. 

If you are interested in a private consultation with me, your natural starting point would be the free Preliminary Consultation. I can help you figure out what you need and how I can help you. If you know that you would like to book a consultation, there are three options. For quick and specific questions, especially for Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help, book the 30-min Quick Consultation. Standard consultations are 60-min and include reading your chart around a topic of your choice. For life-changing explorations, purchase a six-session package at a 30% discount rate. The packages are my favorite as we have the opportunity for gentle exploration of life circumstances and purpose, establish goals, and set up action plans. All prices are posted on the booking page before any purchases are finalized. 

Classes provide the middle ground between the products and the individual consultations. All classes are online, either in a self-paced or interactive hands-on format. See all classes here

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Tatiana Stantcheva was born and raised in Bulgaria, where she studied physics as an undergraduate student at Sofia University. She holds a Ph.D. in Physics from The Ohio State University, has co-authored multiple scientific articles, and was the recipient of The Ohio State Graduate School Presidential Fellowship

She is currently a Professor of Physics at Northern Virginia Community College, maintains a private academic and life coaching practice, and serves as the Executive President of NOVA Friends Fund, a non-profit organization that helps community college students to reach their potential. She is also a member of the American Physical Society, the American Association of Physics Teachers, and the  International Coach Federation.

Deeply compassionate, Tatiana also volunteers with hospice, practices Yoga, QiGong and Jin Shin Jyutsu, and writes on spiritual topics in her blog Effortless Reality. She lives with her husband, two children, and a rescue cocker spaniel in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, US.


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