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Sun entered Gemini on May 20 at 9:22 pm (US Eastern Time). For those with Sun in Gemini - Happy Solar Return. That is astrology-speak for wishing someone Happy Birthday! Feeling good on our birthday goes beyond gifts and parties. Every year when the Sun goes over the point where it was during our birth, we get an energy boost. We feel stronger, energetic, more put together and comfortable in our element.

You can go further and look at the map of the sky on your birthday. The Universe being holographic, or self-similar, you will find that the astrological chart for your birthday holds the key to the events for the entire year. The year is truly within the day, just as the ocean within the drop. I like to think of it as one gigantic fractal.

If you are curious about this Solar Return but you don't feel like paying an astrologer for Solar Return Reading, there are interesting computer-generated reports. Here is one that I have used in the past. As with all computer generated reports, remember to take it as a source of inspiration and not so much as the authoritative guide to your life.

So, let's give our Solar energies a boost regardless of where Sun is in our chart. The more aligned with your Sun sign energy you are, the more in touch are you with your inner star and authority. When that happens, everyone around you feels it, even if they don't recognize it. You are living up to your potential to be the shining start for others to follow. That is what true leadership is about!

Which flow shall we use this week for a solar boost? It is easy to think of Leo/Heart Function Energy, but what if we try something different. Perhaps, closer to the physical level of manifestation. Have you seen the diagrams for the Chest-Back Expanding and Contracting Function Energy on page 47, Text 2? There is a point in the chest out which many energetic pathways radiate outwards. It reminds me of a star located in our chest. And perhaps, it is our star there.

Harmonizing Chest-Back Expanding and Contracting FE

To harmonize this energy, you simply hold the ball of both feet simultaneously.

Don't worry too much about direction or side. The flow is symmetric and will adjust the symmetry in the body as well. You might wish to sit on the floor or a flat surface for easy access to your feet.The most comfortable position for me is sitting on the floor cross-legged while holding my feet - right hand on left foot and left hand on right foot.

When I did this flow yesterday, I experienced clearing not so much in my chest area, but in my head. Who knows, it might be where my congestion is located right now. Let me know where you experience the clearing up.

By the way, Carlos Gutterres has a touching story about this flow. He was able to use it to comfort someone in the middle of a heart attack while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Notice the extra lesson in this story - they did call for ambulance and relied on medical care.
It is a reminder that we can have the best of both worlds - the medical and the alternative.

Happy Harmonizing!


Travelers Guide to Healing
If you need a copy of your astrological chart, email me your time, date, and place of birth date, and I will send you a copy.
If you wish to learn more, take a peek at my online classes.
Did you know you can book a reading with me? I coach people through changes in life. For details, check out my Services.

Moon Tracking

Moon stands for our emotions and moods, among other things. Its position in the sky correlates with the emotional tone for that day. To be in harmony with the Lunar forces, you can harmonize the corresponding 12-fold Daily Function Energy according to the tone of each day. Here is the Moon position for the next week.

May 20 8:53 AM Aquarius Gall Bladder FE
May 22 11:49 AM Pisces Liver FE
May 24 5:40 PM Aries Lung FE
May 27 2:23 AM Taurus Large Intestine FE
May 29 1:23 PM Gemini Stomach FE
June 1 1:48 AM Cancer Spleen FE

Remember, all times are in US EDT (Eastern Daylight Savings Time). If you live in a different time zone, please, convert to your local time.

For more ideas on how to harmonize with the astrological influences in the sky, download my booklet The Cycles of Life.

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