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Spring is officially here! Sun is now in Aries, and we all feel the boost of energy. Well, some of us, the Pisces tribe, still have some time to go before we fully make the shift. Our Liver Function Energy continues to need a boost, as three planets remain in the second part of Pisces: Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury. And if you have planets in that part of the chart, you are bound to continue a little longer with the confusion and the scatter. On a good note, Jupiter there boosts our compassion - for others, for ourselves - and increases our capacity for understanding. So take advantage of this and dig deeper into your spiritual side.

We also have a new cluster of planets at the end of Aquarius, corresponding to the Gall Bladder Function Energy. And, quite a disparate cluster it is. Venus (the easygoing peacemaker) is squeezed in between Saturn (restraint and discipline) and Mars (impatience to go out and do things). And you will be even more sensitive to this group playing out their drama if you have planets in the later part of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio.

To harmonize such a prickly combination, I would like to offer Sequence Number 6. It is known as Special Body Function (1) in our JSJ Textbook 2, page 50. In the words of Mary Burmeister, it helps imbalances of liver and gall bladder, among other things. Given that we have two groups of planets emphasizing Pisces (Liver) and Aquarius (Gall Bladder) this week, I felt this is sequence would be most appropriate to harmonize them both.

Here is how we do it for those who might not be familiar with the flow.

Right Side

Place your right hand on the right sit bone (R SEL 25) and the left on your right shoulder/neck area (R SEL 4/12/11/3).

Left Side

Place you left hand on the left sit bone (L SEL 25) and the right on our left shoulder/neck area (L SEL 4/12/11/3).

When you place your hand on the neck/shoulder area, spread your fingers a little bit. Remember, the Safety Energy Locks are not points to pinpoint but rather extended spherical balls of energy (mini-chakras). As long as you are in their vicinity, you will activate them. I tested both sides of this flow on myself this morning and, wow, did it feel great! After about 5-6 minutes, my breathing quality improved drastically, and I felt a lightness in my neck/back area. I suppose I needed it badly! Let me know how it turns out for you.

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