
Hello everyone!

There is an elegant symmetry in placing our hands consequently on both SEL 15, then SEL 25, then SEL 21, and finally on SEL 4. Can you see it?

I hit upon this pattern this morning and took 20 minutes to complete it. It felt wonderful.

Laughter, then stillness. Let go of all the limiting beliefs that mar your window and keep the Light obscured.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. M K

    Look at the Magic Square of Saturn (3) to get more insight into your experience!

  2. Yolanda

    It’s been awhile since we first connected and messaged each other.

    I’ve ben following your post and listen to some of your videos from classes. We do have a lot in common in our approach, using astrology and JSJ in concert with each other. The do have Saturn in libra at 0 degrees and it’s the ruler of my Capricorn ascendant.

    This post speaks very much to the Uranus energy that is now taking the lead as the long Saturn square Uranus is pulling apart. I love the original approach, Uranus in cancer trines a n my chart,

    The am a long time student of JSJ, my first class with Mary Burmeister in 1975 at her first Scottsdale office. I’ve had classes with many other instructors as well over the years and took the first self help instructors class with Sara Harper in 1994. JSJ classes with Wayne Hackett ignited my curiosity for astrology and I have been perusing astrology knowledge ever since, most actively in the past 5 years.

    I was thrilled to see someone else was on this same track. I posted daily most of last year and this until a month or so ago. I’m looking for a new format. In the meantime if you want to have any outside influences on your newsletter I’d be interested in writing some content. You might want to have multiple articles with others that also share your way of blending information and influences. Very much a Gemini dual purpose approach. ( mars retro in Gemini ). There’s so many ways to approach energy work ( especially now ) I believe this approach is going to be beneficial for everyone and is the future to empower each individual with the information they need for self care and self healing. Currently lots of people are interested and learning astrology, have a place to balance the energies is an important part in that learning process.

    This last post you sent has all the original elements that reflect the end of the Saturn Uranus square and Uranus gaining strength as they separate. When Uranus’s turns direct I thing it will be even more of this influence for everyone.

    I also have stellium in Pisces and Uranus in my 6 th house of cancer is in good aspect so I’m looking forward to what is on the horizon. Venus rising now and Jupiter in the last degrees of Pisces moving forward to the Aires 0 point all are indicators of big changes underway.

    JSJ Inc has gone through major shifts and changes and I believe there’s more good things to come. Having in person classes would be really great. It is one element that has made self help so much more important.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Yolanda. 714-401-0324

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